How would you like your training? In person? You can join the Sunapee Butterfly Club’s weekly meeting with leader Amy Highstrom ([email protected]), held every third Thursday night in Andover at the HUB, 157 Main Street. (See you there!)
Lake Sunapee Region Butterfly Club - Monthly Adult Learning Series | Ausbon Sargent Land Preservation Trust
Maybe you prefer your training outdoors — at an actual field count. There is one held somewhere in New Hampshire most every weekend in June and July, and no experience is necessary to attend. The Sunapee Butterfly Club will have a Spring Count with training on May 19th, again, led by Amy Highstrom. (See you there as well!)
Find a Count
Maybe you would just like to thumb through a good field guide. Preferred by counters is the Swift Guide by Glassberg, but there are many others available — maybe there is an old favorite just sitting on your shelf! Each has its own virtues, and it is important to enjoy your field guide. Visit the nature collection of your local bookstore to see several. Here is a good starting list:
Butterfly Field Guides
Finally, there are (of course!) some great on-line species-specific training modules available now, and all of this winter’s Wednesday night formal ZOOM presentations are being added next month at
Here is another short list of the many resources on the Web. Each is likely to lead to many other interesting links, and you could just google forever. But, remember, the Mourning Cloaks, Commas, and Question Marks have already left their winter hibernation spots and are fluttering out and about. You can start your butterfly observations now!
- NH Butterfly Monitoring Network website
- NH Butterfly Monitoring Network iNaturalist Project
- Butterfly ID Videos for some of New Hampshire’s butterfly species
- List of NH butterfly species