History shows the extraordinary amount of volunteer effort that has gone into making the Grantham Garden Club (GGC) a vibrant, community organization over the past 25 years. Each year, club members step up to provide fresh ideas and creative ways to engage the membership and contribute to the Grantham community.
Members, depending on their interests and availability, are encouraged to share some of their time and talents. These efforts ensure the club continues as a vibrant organization and it’s a great way to get to know fellow members!
We’ve adopted a team approach, and the following sections will provide an overview of each team’s specific focus and main tasks.
Members, depending on their interests and availability, are encouraged to share some of their time and talents. These efforts ensure the club continues as a vibrant organization and it’s a great way to get to know fellow members!
We’ve adopted a team approach, and the following sections will provide an overview of each team’s specific focus and main tasks.
OVERVIEW Tapped each November by the Nominating Committee, members are asked to fill various elected and appointed roles for the following calendar year. This Team is broken into two components, the Board, and the Steering Committee. Additional committees may be formed at the discretion of the Steering Committee to address specific needs. |
BOARD The Board is composed of the four elected Executive Officers serving one year terms—President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Recording Secretary. Additionally, the President appoints a Team Leader from the Steering Committee to serve as the Board’s fifth voting member for the upcoming year. |
BOARD MEMBERS (* the club's 5 voting members for 2025)
STEERING COMMITTEE The Steering Committee is composed of the Board and leaders of the active standing committees or “Teams”. These teams reflect the club’s overall focus on civic beautification, community engagement, and educational programs, activities, and scholarships. Each team is divided into as many volunteer positions as needed to coordinate their various functions and responsibilities. Additional teams may be formed at the discretion of the Steering Committee to address specific needs. The Steering Committee typically meets in person at the Grantham Town Hall (lower level) on the 2nd Tuesday afternoon of the month. Meetings start at 1:00 p.m. and typically last 1-2 hours. A majority of Board Members are required to attend for any voting to take place. The agenda revolves around planning, with team leaders providing updates on their team’s current efforts. All team leaders are encouraged to attend all meetings. All club members are also welcome to attend. Most team planning sessions are arranged by team leaders to occur separately from Steering Committee meetings. They occur as needed leading up to specific programs and activities and may take place in person, by phone, or via the internet. |
STEERING COMMITTEE MEMBERS (* the club's 5 voting members for 2025)
CLUB EMAIL The club has five email accounts that are monitored by the following members.
OVERVIEW This team focuses on civic engagement and beautification. The various Civic Garden projects provide colorful contributions to the community by caring for some of the garden beds and planters located in Grantham. Each autumn new flower combinations are designed for barrels located at the Fire Station, Post Office, Town Hall (lower level), and the Dunbar Free Library. During the growing season, club members take turns watering, fertilizing, and deadheading the flowers, while also caring for the triangle garden at the intersection of Routes 10 and 114. This spring, look for the new garden beds we'll be adding beside the sign at the Fire Station. While historically the club has funded these efforts directly, we’re very pleased to now be partnering with local businesses through sponsorships that support this effort. Also, through our “Garden Angels” project we’ve increased civic beautification in recent years by planting more than a thousand daffodil bulbs to brighten everyone’s drive through Grantham each spring. Club contributions to the community have expanded in recent years to include initiating and organizing an annual roadside cleanup, along with members participating in Grantham Recreation Department activities such as the “Old Home Day”, “Trunk-or-Treat” and “Breakfast with Santa”. |
Additional volunteers are always needed and welcome!
OVERVIEW Active throughout the year, the Communication Team keeps our members and the community up to date on all educational, social, and fundraising programs and activities coming up. Club programs and activities are promoted through email notifications, posted flyers, GGC website, and multiple Facebook pages. |
Additional contributors are always needed and welcome!
OVERVIEW This team plans and organizes the club’s wide variety of fundraising activities that support our civic and educational efforts. Annual plant sales provide club and community members with quality bulbs, annuals, and perennials. A “Garden Angels” program is part of the autumn bulb sale to expand the club’s civic beautification efforts. “Garden Angels” are individuals who purchase bulbs that are donated for planting in various Grantham locations, in addition to the bulbs they purchase for their own gardens. Thanks to this fundraiser—and a fair amount of digging—Grantham will be greeted by over 1,000 daffodils each spring. In 2023, the club was very pleased to introduce a new community sponsorship initiative with five local businesses who kicked off this effort to support the club’s annual Civic Gardens project. After a several year hiatus, our member and public spring plant sale returned to the Grantham Town Hall in 2024. We sold out so quickly that this year, we are planning for a larger sale to be held on Saturday, May 17, 2025. |
Additional volunteers are always needed and welcome!
OVERVIEW The Hospitality Team’s primary focus is connecting with members and guests who are attending in person club meetings by preparing the meeting space and organizing refreshments. A 30-minute Coffee and Conversation is scheduled at the start of each in person program where baked goods are donated by club members. While this team sets up any needed tables and chairs, members are asked to help put the chairs away after the program. The team puts the final touches on restoring the meeting room and leaving the kitchen clean and tidy. In years when the January meeting kicks off the new year with a potluck brunch, team members oversee the preparation, setup, and cleanup for this club gathering. They also organize any parties the club plans to host. |
Additional volunteers are always needed and welcome!
OVERVIEW The Membership Team enjoys sharing their enthusiasm for the club by welcoming members and visitors to in person meetings. This team answers questions, makes introductions, and encourages members to sign up for upcoming activities. The team leader handles membership administration and is responsible for maintaining the membership roster, distributing new member welcome gifts, and following up with visitors who have expressed an interest in joining the club. This team also conducts a semi-annual member satisfaction survey to ensure the club is on target with member interests. |
Additional volunteers are always needed and welcome!
OVERVIEW This team makes the arrangements for informative and educational programs and field trips based on the interests and suggestions of our members. Programs include presentations made by local and state-wide experts and authors covering a variety of gardening “how-to's” and environmental topics. A resource section will be organized and cultivated on the GGC website by this team. Samples of what may be included: information about area nurseries, gardening newsletters, New England gardening events, online seed companies, and member-recommended gardens to visit. |
Additional volunteers are always needed and welcome!
OVERVIEW Each year the Scholarship Team leads the club's efforts to offer financial scholarships to New Hampshire residents in high school or college who are preparing for a career in horticulture, landscaping, forestry, agriculture, plant sciences or environmental sciences at a post-secondary institution. The team leader reaches out to local high school guidance counselors, reviews, and ranks the submissions, makes recipient recommendations to the board, and prepares a summary of each recipient for posting on the club’s website. Submissions are due by mid-April with an announcement of recipients being made in June. |
Additional evaluators are always needed and welcome!